Teeth straighteners are fixed or removable appliances that apply pressure to help adjust crooked teeth, close gaps and correct an overbite or underbite. These are commonly used for kids and adults.

Crooked or misaligned teeth improves smile, make it difficult to clean your teeth and cause other health issues. Luckily, children and adults have more teeth straightening Adelaide options than ever to fix these problems with modern treatments.

Metal Braces

teeth straightening AdelaideTraditional metal braces, or standard or regular braces, are a treatment option for straightening teeth that orthodontists use to correct crooked and misaligned teeth. They combine brackets, wires and elastic bands (ligatures) that work together to apply pressure and slowly shift teeth into their proper alignment.

The wire in metal braces applies pressure to the teeth by running through each bracket slot. This steady, controlled pressure causes bone remodelling, resulting in some areas of bone showing more growth and others showing less. The wires then reposition the teeth in response to this gradual and predictable pressure.

The brackets in metal braces are typically made of a durable, corrosion-resistant alloy of titanium, nickel, chromium and cobalt. Although no metal is entirely corrosion-proof, the alloys in metal braces degrade very slowly and are expected to remain in excellent condition for the duration of your orthodontic treatment.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are a translucent or tooth-coloured alternative to traditional metal braces. They use the same technology to straighten teeth and treat malocclusions but are more discreet. They are usually less noticeable than traditional metal braces and can help boost a patient’s self-confidence by reducing visual interference in social situations. They also tend to be faster than Invisalign and can fix more severe misalignments that Invisalign cannot address.

However, it is important to remember that they can be more fragile than metal and are more prone to staining. Patients with ceramic braces may need to limit their consumption of foods and beverages that can stain the brackets and elastic ties. They may also need to visit their orthodontist more frequently to ensure the process works as effectively as possible.

These teeth straightening Adelaide options mean that ceramic braces can still be great for adults or teenagers who attempts to achieve a straighter smile in a shorter period. If you want to learn more about what ceramic braces can do for your smile, contact Jaffe Orthodontics today to schedule an appointment.


Invisalign offers a solution for adults who either had braces in childhood but have seen their teeth shift over time or are addressing issues such as an overbite, underbite, crowded teeth, or bite problems. Getting your teeth straightened as an adult can greatly benefit your oral health because crooked or unevenly spaced teeth allow more plaque to build up, leading to tooth decay and worse, gum disease.


Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or composite resin that cover the front side of your teeth to hide stains or fix minor cosmetic problems. They provide a more natural tooth appearance than other dental restorations.

The cosmetic dentist will prepare the surface of your teeth for the veneer by removing any decay or reshaping the tooth as needed. You must return for a follow-up visit to have the veneers bonded to the tooth. This will involve a bit of discomfort as the dentist applies a mild bonding material to the tooth and waits for it to set.

Veneers do not fix functional issues with your teeth, such as crooked teeth or gum disease, so it’s imperative to practice good oral hygiene, including brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time and flossing regularly. Also, visit your dental hygienist regularly, at least twice per year, so the hygienist can remove any plaque and tartar buildup you have missed and even recommend other teeth straightening Adelaide options.


Lumineers are a popular option for patients who want to enhance the appearance of their smile. Like veneers, they are designed to cover a wide range of cosmetic imperfections. These ultra-thin porcelain coverings can hide surface stains and chipped teeth. They are also able to correct gaps and crooked teeth.

Unlike veneers, Lumineers do not require the dentist to alter or reshape natural teeth to apply them. This makes them a more conservative treatment suitable for patients who do not want to undergo extensive dental work.

Teeth Straightening Adelaide: Teeth Straightening and Veneers

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