Whether you want to improve the shape, colour, size, or position of your teeth, you should consider a cosmetic dentist. There are many ways to improve your smile, including implants, veneers, inlays and onlays, and teeth whitening.

cosmetic dentist AdelaideInlays and Onlays

Inlays are more petite than crowns and are moulded to fit your teeth. During the procedure, the dentist removes decay and takes an impression of the tooth. This impression is sent to a dental laboratory to make a custom inlay. Inlays are made of a strong resin that bonds to the tooth’s surface. As a result, they are stronger than regular fillings. For information, check the https://dental-excellence.com.au/cosmetic-dentistry.

Onlays can also be made of ceramic or porcelain. These materials are more durable than composite resin. In addition, these materials can be coloured to match the tooth’s natural colour. These onlays also provide an attractive alternative to conventional fillings.

Inlays and Onlays are typically made from porcelain, composite resin, or gold. The material selected is based on the amount of damage to the tooth and the patient’s goal for their smile. Most patients choose porcelain or composite resin since these materials last longer than gold. The cost of an inlay or onlay will depend on the amount of damage to the tooth and will be higher if the material is gold.

These dental appliances are bonded to the tooth and are custom-made to fit each patient. The process usually takes two appointments. On the second visit, the temporary sealant is removed, and the inlay or onlay is polished to a smooth finish.

When you have an inlay or onlay, you may need to visit your dentist for regular follow-up visits. Your dentist will check the durability and stability of the inlay or only and may need to adjust its shape.


Dental crowns are made as close to the real thing as possible. Therefore, they are made of various materials, including porcelain, composite, and gold.

Crowns can be used as a standalone treatment or with other dental procedures. For example, they can cover teeth that have been damaged, chipped, or misshaped. They can also be used to close gaps between teeth.

Veneers are thin shells custom-made to cover a tooth’s front surface. Veneers can also change a tooth’s colour, shape, and length. Unfortunately, veneers aren’t reversible, so it’s essential to find a dentist that does a good job matching the colour of the veneers to your natural teeth.

Crowns can also be used to cover discoloured or cracked teeth. Porcelain crowns are designed to look just like your natural teeth, so they are the ideal option for discreet repairs.

Crowns are also used to replace chipped teeth. These can be used to replace damaged teeth in the front of the mouth. They are also suitable for people who have missing teeth. In addition, having a dental crown can prevent further damage to the natural teeth.

Porcelain crowns can also be used to correct discoloured teeth. In addition, you can have the colour matched to your natural teeth, and the material can also be used to enhance the life of the tooth. For information, check the https://dental-excellence.com.au/cosmetic-dentistry.

Teeth whitening

Before you go through with the procedure, you should know about the risks involved. There are three main types of teeth whitening treatments, which rely on different concentrations of peroxide. Having these treatments performed by a cosmetic dentist will ensure you get the best results possible.

A typical session includes preparing the gums and teeth, putting the chemical onto them, and then rinsing them off. You may also be provided with custom whitening trays. These are designed to fit your unique smile.

While it is possible to whiten your teeth on your own, you may get different results. Over-the-counter whitening products contain less bleach than professional treatments. In addition, they may not be supervised by a dental professional.

Before a tooth whitening procedure, ensure that your teeth are free of cavities and gum disease. Those two conditions are the main culprits of tooth discolouration.

You can purchase over-the-counter whitening kits from drug stores if you want to whiten your teeth at home. However, these kits contain less bleach than professional treatments and may be challenging. You should also check with your dentist about the number of whitening treatments you need.

Choosing a dentist who is experienced in teeth whitening is necessary to ensure the best results. Many general dentists are also adept at providing teeth whitening treatments. You should also consider the cost of the treatment and compare prices between dentists.


Several cosmetic dentists use Invisalign, an orthodontic treatment designed to straighten teeth. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners to gently move teeth into the correct position. They are custom-made to fit each patient.

Cosmetic dentists use Invisalign to treat overcrowding, gaps between teeth, and misalignment. It is also an alternative to metal braces. In addition, having clear aligners allows patients to enjoy food and drink freely without worrying about the appearance of metal brackets or wires.

Although Invisalign has many benefits, it is unsuitable for patients with severe malocclusions. Also, it can take longer than expected if patients need to wear their aligners as instructed. It is also not ideal for children.

One of the advantages of Invisalign is that it can be removed for special occasions. Another advantage is that it is nearly invisible. It is also easy to clean. However, it can be uncomfortable to wear for extended periods.

To avoid discomfort, Invisalign patients need to maintain good oral hygiene. They should rinse their aligners regularly throughout the day. It is especially important if they drink dark beverages. In addition, they should remove their aligners before eating. It will help to prevent the buildup of bacteria and particles that can cause bad breath.

While cosmetic dentists use Invisalign, it is also possible to get veneers. Veneers are a great way to improve the appearance of your smile. They can correct gaps, stains, and various other dental issues. However, they can be more expensive than Invisalign.

Before deciding on Invisalign or veneers, weighing each treatment’s benefits and drawbacks is essential. The cost of both treatments will depend on the severity of the dental issue, the patient’s dental insurance, and the type of treatment needed.

How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve Your Smile

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